Daily Archives: September 15, 2017

Tips for Cleaning Your Grill

Tips for Cleaning Your Grill

It’s that time of year again, where your dinner and party plans have you heading to your kitchen instead of the grill.

Before you shut down and pack up the grill for the season, it is important to clean your grill to prepare it for storage and next year’s use.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Use a warm bucket of water and soap with a steel brush to clean your grill.
  • Avoid using abrasive cleaners and tools. This could reverse your essential goal and harm your grill!
  • Clean up all oil spills and food drippings.
  • Once you have scrubbed all of the dirty areas, be sure to wipe everything down one more time with your warm soap water.
  • Purchase a protective case/cover for your grill. This will help avoid damage and rust over the winter months.
  • Store your grill somewhere safe and dry. Perhaps your shed or even under your deck.

Simple end of the year cleaning will go a long way when it comes to ensuring the life of your grill.