Do you have a case of the Winter Blues?

Do you have a case of the Winter Blues?

The winter weather is here and the days are getting shorter. You may be feeling down, sleepy or even like there is nothing to do. winter blues 1

Winter blues is still a mystery to scientists who study it. Most people who suffer from “seasonal affective disorder” are experiencing depression like symptoms due to a lack of sunlight and a “phase shift”. The wall clock might be saying its time to get up but your body is telling you otherwise.

It is important that during these winter months you are finding activities to keep you busy and help lift your spirits.

winter blues 2Get involved with your community: Joining a church group or even doing community service can lift your spirits and get you out of the house.

Join a gym: Joining a gym benefits you in many ways. Not only does it get you out of the house and moving, but exercise relieves stress and also helps you establish a weight loss goal.

Wear bright colors: Wearing bright colors simply brightens your mood! Scientist say that there is a link between feeling optimistic and sporting bright colors. Give it a try!

Force yourself outside: Going outside for a brisk walk or even just to sit on your porch with a cup of hot cocoa will brighten your day and help you connect with nature.

Hang out with friends and family: Hanging out with friends and family regularly will keep you optimistic. Go out and get a bite to eat or even invite friends and family over to spend the day with them.Attractive young adult couple painting interior wall of house.

Challenge yourself: Giving yourself a challenge will help keep your mind busy and entertained. Find projects around the house like organizing your pantry or even cleaning out your closet or re-doing your bedroom, bathroom or kitchen.

Avoid the winter blues and keep in touch with life and nature. Remember, it’s the little things in life that keep us happy!

Written by: Amanda Haase