5-Minute Auto Check: Sideways Glances
Are you making your automobile‘s blind spots worse? You could be if you were taught that a driver should be able to see the side of the automobile in the side-view mirrors. Ditch that practice!
- Follow This New Advice:
Drivers should position their side-view mirrors so that they don’t see the sides of their New York automobiles while driving, according to the U.S. Department of the Interior. - The Benefits Are Clear:
The new positions minimize blind spots by allowing a following New York automobile to be seen immediately in the side-view mirror after its view is lost from a rear-view mirror. - Adjust Your View:
While sitting in the driver’s seat, lean your head to the left (against the window). Adjust the right-hand side-view mirror so that you can just view the side of the New York a. When you return your head to normal driving position, you should not see the side of the car. To adjust the left-hand mirror, move your head right (toward the center of the vehicle).