Burglar’s Don’t Vacation Like You Do!

Burglary blogFor many Long Island folks, it’s Vacation season! Everyone is headed to their favorite getaway place, but Burglars don’t vacation the way you do. Their favorite “getaway vacation” is your unoccupied home! To make sure your home is protected while you are away, follow some of these simple tips to ensure that you will come home to amity.

  • Stop mail and newspaper delivery or have a neighbor collect them for you while you are away.
  • Have your lawns mowed, so it looks that the home is be kept up with. This is especially important if you are planning a trip where you will be gone for a few weeks.
  • Investing in an automatic timer will help turn your living room lights on and off so that when it gets darker at night, it will appear that someone is in the house.
  • Tell your close neighbors that you will be going away and ask if they can keep an eye on your house.
  • Double bolt your doors before leaving and set your alarm if you have one already installed.
  • If you do not have a burglar alarm already installed, before you leave for your trip invest in installing one.
  • Put cash, jewelry and other valuable items in a safe in your house or a safe deposit box at your bank.

Before leaving for your trip, call your Insurance agency and make sure your coverage is sufficient in-case of a break in! If you do not already have coverage on your valuable items such as your jewelry, furs, cameras and expensive computers, call C.H. Edwards and we will be happy to assist you in finding a policy that fits you, and your needs.

Following these simple steps will protect your home, belongings and your ease of mind while enjoying your vacation with your loved ones.


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