Wellness Wednesday

Tips for Surviving the Holidays Illness Free

Tips for Surviving the Holidays Illness Free

Wellness Wednesday

Tips for Surviving the Holidays Illness Free!

A cough, sniffle and flu germs have a way of getting around. Avoiding these risks, especially during the holidays become an even more challenging task.

Here are some simple tips for helping you keep healthy this holiday season!

-Be sure to wash your hands regularly. A good scrub for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.

-Always carry hand sanitizer. When soap and water aren’t available, a good hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol is a good alternative.

-Covering a cough or sneeze is always a good habit. Covering a cough or sneeze with a tissue or in the bend of your arm at the elbow are the best ways to do this. Teach your kids this trick as well.

-Keep your defenses up! Getting plenty of sleep, eating good foods and keeping up regular exercise are the best way to do this.

Make a wellness plan now, so you can enjoy a happy and healthy holiday season. For more information visit flu.gov.

by Denise Visco


Looking for a simple way to make meditation part of your daily routine?

Looking for a simple way to make meditation part of your daily routine?

Looking for a way to make meditation part of your daily routine?  Consider giving this simple tea meditation a try.  How often do you make yourself a cup of tea?  Have you ever stopped to think about the steps involved in preparing and enjoying that cup of tea?  When considering the role of mindfulness in your daily schedule, the answer can be as simple as making your cup of tea.  Stop and take the time to consider every step involved in this process, take time to smell the aroma and then concentrate on the way you feel as you take the first few sips.  Sound simple enough?  Give it a try.  Will tea meditations become part of your daily routine?

by Denise Visco

Diabetes and Life Insurance-Do you know the facts?

Diabetes and Life Insurance-Do you know the facts?

November is Diabetes Awareness Month.  Do you know the implications of this disease with regard to obtaining Life Insurance?

Diabetes does not prevent you from buying Life Insurance but it comes with a significant price increase.  For example, a 57-year-old man with Type 2 diabetes and an A1C below 6.7 can buy a 20 yr. term policy for approximately $155 per month with a $250,000 death benefit, while the same man with an A1C above 6.7 and below 7.5, the premium would be approximately $232 per month for the same coverage.  The premium amounts are estimates but clearly show the difference between how the amount you would pay for Life Insurance differs.  The reason for this is that a person with a serious health condition such as diabetes is put in an insurer’s substandard class due to a higher risk of death.  Sounds frightening?  It is!

Is there anything you can do to avoid the higher premium and the high-risk category?  You can wait until your A1C is controlled for a minimum of 6 months before applying for Life Insurance.  There are also some companies that will accept proof that you have maintained a healthy diet and exercise program as well as maintained your medication schedule for a period of time and will make you eligible for the lower premium policy.  This information varies from carrier to carrier.  The best way to safely obtain this information is to purchase Life Insurance through a certified Life Insurance Representative.

If you would like more information on purchasing Life Insurance with diabetes or any other special health condition, contact Steven Visco at C.H. Edwards, Inc./Visco Family Insurance at 516-249-5200 or visit our website at www.chedwards.net.

by Denise Visco

Keeping Pets Safe on Halloween

Keeping Pets Safe on Halloween

It’s almost Halloween!  Costumes are purchased.  Decorations are in place and treats are being prepared for visiting trick or treaters.  Everything seems in place, but what about our pets?  Pets enjoy Halloween too so how do we keep them safe?

Candy, especially chocolate is a significant danger and can be poison to our pets.  Chocolate is dangerous for two reasons.  First, chocolate contains two chemicals-caffeine and theobromine which are stimulants.  Symptoms can begin in 6-12 hours after ingestion.  These symptoms can include panting, hyperactivity, increased thirst and urination.  High concentrations lead to irregular heart rhythms, seizures, coma, and even death.  There are all levels of sensitivity just like in people, some dogs and cats can be sensitive to chocolate and show signs of poisoning from much lesser amounts.

Chocolate is very high in sugar and fat.  This could cause mild diarrhea, or more dangerous gastroenteritis, pancreatitis and liver disease from ingestion of large amounts of chocolate.  Keep all candy out of the reach of pets and explain to young children that it is not safe to feed candy to dogs and cats.

If your pet is afraid of loud noises or frightened when people come to the door.  Speak to your veterinarian about a calming supplement or mild tranquilizer to get your pet through Halloween comfortably. Never do this on your own.  Consult a professional as the dose for pets is different than people. Be extremely cautious if your dog or cat goes out and navigates the yard on their own.  Don’t leave them unattended on Halloween night.  Pets innocently fall victim to Halloween pranks.

Our pets are special to us.  Don’t let their safety become less of a priority due to the excitement of the holiday.  With some planning, the day can be fun for the entire family.  Hopefully, this information will help to provide a safe environment for our pets.  Think Safety First and Have a Happy Halloween!

by Denise Visco


April is Autism Awareness Month or should it be renamed Autism Acceptance Month?

April is Autism Awareness Month or should it be renamed Autism Acceptance Month?

Wellness Wednesday

April is Autism Awareness Month or should it be renamed Autism Acceptance Month?

April has been slated to share two acknowledgments to Autism, World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Awareness Month but what does this really mean. With 1 in 36 children being diagnosed with Autism, is there really anyone left who is not aware? With 1 in 36 is there a person who has not been affected by autism? A family member, a friend, someone who bags your groceries at the supermarket, the person who refills your drinks or cleans your table at your favorite restaurant. Everyone is aware, but have we accepted that this is the future?

Research dollars are raised and spent every year and we are no closer to an explanation for the annual rise in the autism rate. Why does this sound so personal to me? Because it is!

My family recognizes Autism Awareness/Acceptance Day every day. My amazing 24-year-old son Steven is an adult living with autism. Autism took away his ability to have a “normal” life, but he has a happy life surrounded by family and friends that love him for the incredible person he is and together we have supported him while creating a life that re-defines “normal”. Steven is a talented musician, he plays baseball, basketball, golf and he is on a bowling league. He volunteers at Save A Pet, works at his parent’s insurance agency when appropriate projects are presented, is in a book club, takes nature classes, loves classic cartoons, enjoys social activities with friends and loves his family. Most recently, Steven had the opportunity to attend the Campus Experience at Stony Brook University College.  He works hard learning to express himself like others around him through Speech Therapy and continues to make strides although the reality is he will never be able to have a conversation.  That has not stopped him from participating in the activities he loves, making his intentions clear to all or to express love to the many people he cares so much about.  Steven teaches everyone around him that autism means he is differently abled but not less. He approaches every challenge presented to him and gives it his all.  Steven has a happy life and is rarely sad. He has been an active part of creating a life that is perfect for him.  Steven may not ever be a full-time college student or get married but that is not what he was meant to do. I believe he is here to teach acceptance and for that, I am extremely proud!  Steven starts each day with his three words, handsome, smart and strong.  Saying these words give his life meaning and purpose and he carries his purpose in all that he does. That is Autism Acceptance and this is what the world needs more of.

So the next time someone asks you if you’re going to wear blue or “Light it up Blue for autism, make the choice instead to share Steven’s Story. It is a story of acceptance and not awareness. People are aware but that doesn’t stop the finger pointing, judgment, and unrealistic expectations. It’s harder to learn to accept and be part of the much-needed change, a movement toward Autism Acceptance!

by Denise Visco
Steven’s Mom

#WellnessWednesday #AutismAwareness #AutismAcceptance#ILoveSomeonewithAutism #AprilisAutismAwarenessMonth#DifferentNotLess #challenges #hope #dreams #recognition #StevenVisco #StevenMVisco #AcceptallofUs #DeniseVisco#LongIslandInsurance #CHEdwardsInsurance

Refuel your body with some Vitamin D

Refuel your body with some Vitamin D

Wellness Wednesday

Are you feeling a little run down? Spending more time indoors and less outside soaking up the sun may leave you vitamin D deficient.

Have a delicious lunch packed with Vitamin D!  Vitamin D fuels your body’s T cells, which fight bacteria and viruses.  Research shows that nearly half of all people have a D vitamin deficiency by the end of the Winter.

By eating foods high in Vitamin D you will get closer to the 600 IU daily allowance per day.  Fatty fish is a good option.  3 oz. of salmon has 479 IU and 3 oz. of canned tuna has 154 IU.  Other good sources are milk (1 cup=115-125IU), eggs (1 large with yolk=41IU)and D-fortified orange juice (1 cup=137IU).

Give it a try and see how good you will feel.  Soon enough we will get that extra dose from being outside in the sunshine!

by Denise Visco

The benefits of Lemon Water

The benefits of Lemon Water

Wellness Wednesday
The benefits of Lemon Water
Water with lemon is a terribly underrated beverage. There are so many health benefits to this simple beverage that are so often overlooked or misunderstood. Let’s take a look at the benefits of lemon water and show you why a beautiful bowl of lemons on your counter can be just what you need this Winter.
Drinking warm water with lemon on an empty stomach can help you manage your weight. A study by the Journal of Biochemistry and Nutrition found that lemon polyphenols (found in the peel and the juice) suppressed weight gain and fat increase from a high-fat diet. This doesn’t directly help you lose weight but this helps you not to gain weight. When paired with a healthy diet and an exercise routine, drinking lemon water may help support your weight loss goals. Why not try and replace a cup of coffee with some warm lemon water this morning?
Lemons can help with some of the symptoms of the common cold. There is no cure for the common cold but lemon has natural properties that you can benefit from when you drink water infused with it. Lemon helps to break up congestion and can help rid you of mucus faster. Lemon can also soothe a sore throat when paired with honey. It also gives you a healthy dose of Vitamin C known to help reduce the effects and length of the common cold. Give this a try to help in your fight to get ahead of this cold season.
Adding lemon to your water will help to boost your water intake. So many of us don’t like to drink water even though we know how important it is. We need water to survive and we need a lot of it! On average 60% of the body is made of water so even if you don’t like the taste, you still need to drink it. Lemon can be just the boost you need. It is very low in calories and high in a lot of other good things. The lemon may mask the flavor you find intolerable.
Lemon on its own packs quite the health benefit. Vitamin C in combination with the citrus bioflavonoids in the lemon cause your blood to circulate more freely, leading to increased energy. The acid in lemon juice aids the digestive system in breaking down food faster so that your body can use it for energy.
There is so much more to lemon water than the crisp and refreshing taste. Lemon can benefit your health in so many ways. It is safe and can’t hurt to try unless you suffer from a citrus fruit allergy. So if you can, what do you have to lose? Give it a try!
The information in Wellness Wednesday is designed to be informative and not replace the recommendations of a physician.
by Denise Visco
For more information on Home, Auto, Business, Life, and Flood Insurance, visit our website at www.chedwards.net.
#WellnessWednesday #Lemons #Benefits #VitaminC #JournalofBiochemistryandNutrition #CitrusAllergy #LongIslandInsurance #CHEdwardsInsurance #FarmingdaleInsurance #ViscoFamilyInsurance #WadingRiverInsurance #Home #Auto #Business #Life #Flood #DeniseVisco #StevenVisco
Keeping your Skin Healthy in the Winter

Keeping your Skin Healthy in the Winter

Keeping your Skin Healthy in the Winter
Winter weather is not the best for your skin. Cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air that steals moisture from your skin. Indoor heat, hot showers, and harsh cleansers also reduce moisture in your skin. This lack of moisture leads to chapping, redness, itching that is just plain uncomfortable. What can you do to try to beat these conditions and keep your skin healthy this Winter? Try some of these tips.
1. Wash with Lukewarm Water
Hot Showers and baths feel good, but when washing your hands or face choose lukewarm water to avoid stripping too many oils from your skin.
2. Moisturize as much as possible.
Keep moisturizer with you at all times and also keep it located in the bathroom near your sink and shower so it is available to use liberally every time you wash.
3. Choose Moisturizers Carefully
Some over-the-counter moisturizers have petroleum-based ingredients that can actually further dry your skin in winter months. Be sure to find a formula that has natural, nourishing ingredients. Look for something oil based rather than a water-based solution. Look for hydrating ingredients like lavender, chamomile or jojoba which help to soothe dry, itchy skin.
4. Protect your skin
Wear gloves and scarves. Don’t forget sunscreen. Winter sun can be just as damaging as summer.
5. Exfoliate
Moisture can’t get in if dead skin cells are plentiful. Find an exfoliating mask that you can use on your face, hands, and lips then follow up with a moisturizer. Exfoliating body washes are also helpful in winter months.
Try some of these tips to help keep that healthy glow all winter long.
The tips offered in Wellness Wednesday are suggestions for keeping healthy and do not replace the advice of a physician.
by Denise Visco
For more information on insurance, visit our website at www.chedwards.net
#WellnessWednesday #Winter #HealthySkin #Health #SelfCare #LongIslandInsurance #Auto #Home #Business #Life #Flood #CHEdwardsInsurance #FarmingdaleInsurance #ViscoFamilyInsurance #WadingRiverInsurance #StevenVisco #DeniseVisco
Not a fan of the New Year Resolution? Try a New Year Intention

Not a fan of the New Year Resolution? Try a New Year Intention

Wellness Wednesday
Not a fan of the New Year Resolution? Try a New Year Intention
Happy New Year! Now that the festivities are over, the clean up begins. The decorations from the holidays are put away and now is the time for that fresh start. A clean slate. We can begin the year anyway we choose. New Year resolutions are popular, but are they for you?
The New Year resolution is often attached to that difficult to obtain goal or something that you know you will only stick with for a short period of time and then view as a failed attempt rather than a new beginning. Try something new this year. How about setting an intention for the new year that can grow and change with you as your needs change?
An intention is defined as a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. Intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought.
The intention you choose is personal to you and can be viewed as a positive instead of the negative that is attached to the resolution. The act of setting this intention may take some quiet thought, meditation or even soul-searching. How you do this or what you choose is entirely up to you. Your in the driver’s seat on this one. There is no time limit to set one and the process of achieving it can take as long as you need.
Give it a try! Make this New Year the new beginning you always wanted.
The information shared in Wellness Wednesday is a format to offer suggestions and is not intended to replace the advice of a skilled professional.
by Denise Visco
For more information on Home, Auto, Business, Life or Flood Insurance visit www.chedwards.net
#WellnessWednesday #DeniseVisco #NewYearResolutions #NewYearIntentions #LongIslandInsurance #CHEdwardsInsurance #Farmingdale #ViscoFamilyInsurance #WadingRiver
You Made it through the Holidays, Now take time to Just Breathe!

You Made it through the Holidays, Now take time to Just Breathe!

Wellness Wednesday
You made it through the Holidays, Now take time to Just Breathe!
The hustle and bustle of the holidays are over. The shopping, holiday parties, late nights, overindulgence of all the holiday favorites are now behind you. Take the time to Just Breathe!
The idea of New Year Resolutions weigh on your mind and the conversation of the New Year brings a fresh start and new opportunity, Don’t let this overwhelm you. Just Breathe!
It is natural to put this pressure on yourself with all the conversation that revolves around the New Year. More celebrations, starting a diet or fitness program, putting away the holiday decorations and taking on holiday returns. Just Breathe!
Pace yourself and be kind to yourself. There is plenty of time to get all of these things done. Take this time for yourself and Just Breathe!
Breathing is a daily function that keeps us alive but the flow of oxygen and the release of the breath during an exhale involves many functions in our body. Take time to consider this. During the exhale, oxygen is transferred into the bloodstream, decreasing stress, which is critical on days that you need the most energy.
It is recommended that an energizing breath be one where you breathe in through your nose while counting to four, then exhale through your mouth and count to four. Repeat this five to ten times. Be Mindful. During this time try to clear your mind of to-do lists and concerning thoughts. It is also important to stay hydrated during this exercise. Take this time for you and Just Breathe!
Wellness Wednesday topics are designed to bring topics of wellness to your attention and should never be viewed as medical advice or to replace a medical professional.
Your feedback is important to us. Please let us know if you have tried any of these tips or if there are any topics that you would like to see covered.
by Denise Visco
For more information on Home, Auto, Business, Life, Umbrella or Flood Insurance contact C.H. Edwards, Inc.
#WellnessWednesday #JustBreathe #NewYearResolutions #BeKindtoYourself #Mindfulness #LongIslandInsurance #CHEdwardsInsurance #Farmingdale #ViscoFamilyInsurance #WadingRiver