Is Financial Planning one of your New Year’s Resolutions? Don’t forget about your Insurance.

money and savingThe new year is upon us and we are still working on this year’s resolutions. Did you make Financial Planning part of your resolution this year? Insurance is an important piece of building a solid financial foundation because it helps to minimize your financial risks.

How much do you know about Insurance? This is a good time to learn more. Insurance can provide valuable protection from potential risks, for example if you need to replace your laptop if it’s stolen or if you are unable to work due to sudden injury. Both can be very expensive, but with the right insurance, they will not become a financial burden.

Depending on your personal situation, your insurance needs will vary. This year resolve to learn more about your insurance needs and how you can protect yourself and build a solid financial future.

How can Insurance help you?

Re-evaluating your existing coverage can save you money and in the future, ensure you are protected against any misfortune down the line. Understand your insurance and learn more about how much and what coverage you need.

Speaking with an agent to review your insurance is the way to get started. Don’t be afraid to ask your agent all of your questions. This is the best way to obtain the knowledge you require. A good agent will take the time to talk with you and answer all of your questions. If you feel uncomfortable or feel like you are being rushed, then maybe your current agent is not the right fit for your needs.

Here are some items that should be on your checklist to a successful financial future:

-How much are your belongings worth? Do you need Renters Insurance?money in jar

-Do you have a car? Are you carrying enough coverage, or the right coverage? In some cases, spending a little bit more initially can save you down the line. Maybe tailoring some of your other coverage will allow you what you need to make this decision.

-Think about your future. Will you have a student in college anytime soon? This may be another time in your life that you are vulnerable. There are solutions for many areas of student life. Is your family protected in the event that you become disabled? Have you considered if your families current quality of life would be affected when you can no longer be with them. Now is the time to consider Life and or Disability Insurance so that you will no longer need to worry about that.

-Is this the year you are looking to start that business you always dreamed of? Do you know what kind of insurance is required for a business? Will you be running your business from your home or renting a property? Be prepared.

Insurance can be intimidating, but it can also be a lifesaver in the event of a loss. Choosing the least expensive insurance can save you money now, but if the coverage is not adequate, those savings won’t matter if something were to happen. With insurance, value is more important than price.
piggy bankAn agent can tell you if you qualify for any discounts and assist you in getting the best possible coverage for your money.

The time you invest today, will save you in the future. In life, accidents happen. Don’t let one set back prevent you from reaching your goals this year. Help protect yourself and your money with insurance. Do your research and talk to an agent that will help you move forward.

If you are already a client of C.H. Edwards, Inc., please call us for an Insurance Review today. If you are receiving this and have been unable to acquire this information from your current agent, why not give us a call. Our website is available to you whenever you have the time at
Our Customer Service Agents are available from 8:30 a.m.-4:30p.m, Monday through Friday at 516-249-5200. We can spend as much time as necessary to help you achieve your financial goals. Let our knowledgeable staff assist you today.

Have a Happy, Healthy and protected New Year!

Written by: Denise Visco

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