Flood Safety Tips for Long Island Drivers!

Flooding is usually a concern people think about in relation to their home, but a comprehensive Long Island auto insurance policy may be of assistance if your car is ever damaged in a flood. You can also limit the damage by keeping the following information in mind.

Did you know it could take only a foot of water to cause a vehicle to begin floating? This is true even with slow moving water. In six inches of water, contact could be made with the bottom of many standard Sedans. The damage to an engine could be lasting.

Should you ever encounter this scenario, immediately seek out higher ground. Do not use the roof of your car as higher ground in flood waters if more solid options are accessible. Slow moving waters could turn into rushing rapids in seconds. Your car might seem stable one minute and be floating downstream the next.

Remember that if you come upon a flooded roadway, find an alternative route. Many vehicles and lives are lost each year from crossing what looked like minor water flow. Be especially watchful during storm season and never under estimate how quickly conditions could turn from bad to worse. Do you have comprehensive Long Island auto insurance? Collision insurance doesn’t cover flood damage. Speak to us today if you need to upgrade your coverage or take out a new policy!


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