Sandra’s Travel Adventures, March 20, 2015

Our Social Media Intern, Sandra Costanzo will be sharing her travel adventures through Spain and Amsterdam with us over the next few weeks. Check back each Friday as Sandra shares her travel adventures with her friends. Please feel free to comment. Happy travels Sandra!

Sandra’s Travel Adventures!
After a long journey, I finally made it to Sevilla, Spain!!! My best friend, Jessica is studying abroad here so I am visiting her with Sandra in SpainCharli and Kaitlyn. As soon as we got here we went to explore the city. We took a bike tour that the four of us had to petal. We passed the Plaza de Espana. We also stopped for dinner and got tapas. The food is so good here and the weather is beautiful. Tomorrow we are going to a soccer game. Check back next week for another adventure!

By: Sandra Costanzo

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