What is a Notary Public?

What is a Notary Public?

A Notary Public (sometimes called a Notary or a Public Notary) is an individual authorized by the state or local government to officially witness signatures on legal documents, collect sworn statements and administer oaths.  A notary public uses an embossing tool to verify his or her presence at the time the documents were signed.  Most states issue a unique identifying number to each notary public in order to prevent fraudulent use of the embosser.

An attorney or other public figures can be granted notary public status, but no legal training is required to apply for the position.  Certain legal documents are required to be “notarized” in order to be recognized in court, so a notary public spends most of his or her time observing routine signatures.  Due to the fact that identities are so critical, a notary public may also spend some time verifying the names of the parties involved in the signing.  Generally, all parties provide some form of official identification (Driver’s license, birth certificate, passport, etc.) in order for the notary public to feel comfortable about certifying the signatures.

A qualified notary public should have a high level of integrity and respect for the legal process.  Several organizations offer courses on the legal and social aspects of becoming a notary public.  Notaries can not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, creed or religion.

C.H. Edwards, Inc. has a licensed notary on staff and we offer this service to our clients Free of Charge.  This is just an added benefit of choosing an Independent Insurance Agent.

Do not hesitate to come in and take advantage of the opportunity should the need arise.

The benefits of Lemon Water

The benefits of Lemon Water

Wellness Wednesday
The benefits of Lemon Water
Water with lemon is a terribly underrated beverage. There are so many health benefits to this simple beverage that are so often overlooked or misunderstood. Let’s take a look at the benefits of lemon water and show you why a beautiful bowl of lemons on your counter can be just what you need this Winter.
Drinking warm water with lemon on an empty stomach can help you manage your weight. A study by the Journal of Biochemistry and Nutrition found that lemon polyphenols (found in the peel and the juice) suppressed weight gain and fat increase from a high-fat diet. This doesn’t directly help you lose weight but this helps you not to gain weight. When paired with a healthy diet and an exercise routine, drinking lemon water may help support your weight loss goals. Why not try and replace a cup of coffee with some warm lemon water this morning?
Lemons can help with some of the symptoms of the common cold. There is no cure for the common cold but lemon has natural properties that you can benefit from when you drink water infused with it. Lemon helps to break up congestion and can help rid you of mucus faster. Lemon can also soothe a sore throat when paired with honey. It also gives you a healthy dose of Vitamin C known to help reduce the effects and length of the common cold. Give this a try to help in your fight to get ahead of this cold season.
Adding lemon to your water will help to boost your water intake. So many of us don’t like to drink water even though we know how important it is. We need water to survive and we need a lot of it! On average 60% of the body is made of water so even if you don’t like the taste, you still need to drink it. Lemon can be just the boost you need. It is very low in calories and high in a lot of other good things. The lemon may mask the flavor you find intolerable.
Lemon on its own packs quite the health benefit. Vitamin C in combination with the citrus bioflavonoids in the lemon cause your blood to circulate more freely, leading to increased energy. The acid in lemon juice aids the digestive system in breaking down food faster so that your body can use it for energy.
There is so much more to lemon water than the crisp and refreshing taste. Lemon can benefit your health in so many ways. It is safe and can’t hurt to try unless you suffer from a citrus fruit allergy. So if you can, what do you have to lose? Give it a try!
The information in Wellness Wednesday is designed to be informative and not replace the recommendations of a physician.
by Denise Visco
For more information on Home, Auto, Business, Life, and Flood Insurance, visit our website at www.chedwards.net.
#WellnessWednesday #Lemons #Benefits #VitaminC #JournalofBiochemistryandNutrition #CitrusAllergy #LongIslandInsurance #CHEdwardsInsurance #FarmingdaleInsurance #ViscoFamilyInsurance #WadingRiverInsurance #Home #Auto #Business #Life #Flood #DeniseVisco #StevenVisco
Keeping your Skin Healthy in the Winter

Keeping your Skin Healthy in the Winter

Keeping your Skin Healthy in the Winter
Winter weather is not the best for your skin. Cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air that steals moisture from your skin. Indoor heat, hot showers, and harsh cleansers also reduce moisture in your skin. This lack of moisture leads to chapping, redness, itching that is just plain uncomfortable. What can you do to try to beat these conditions and keep your skin healthy this Winter? Try some of these tips.
1. Wash with Lukewarm Water
Hot Showers and baths feel good, but when washing your hands or face choose lukewarm water to avoid stripping too many oils from your skin.
2. Moisturize as much as possible.
Keep moisturizer with you at all times and also keep it located in the bathroom near your sink and shower so it is available to use liberally every time you wash.
3. Choose Moisturizers Carefully
Some over-the-counter moisturizers have petroleum-based ingredients that can actually further dry your skin in winter months. Be sure to find a formula that has natural, nourishing ingredients. Look for something oil based rather than a water-based solution. Look for hydrating ingredients like lavender, chamomile or jojoba which help to soothe dry, itchy skin.
4. Protect your skin
Wear gloves and scarves. Don’t forget sunscreen. Winter sun can be just as damaging as summer.
5. Exfoliate
Moisture can’t get in if dead skin cells are plentiful. Find an exfoliating mask that you can use on your face, hands, and lips then follow up with a moisturizer. Exfoliating body washes are also helpful in winter months.
Try some of these tips to help keep that healthy glow all winter long.
The tips offered in Wellness Wednesday are suggestions for keeping healthy and do not replace the advice of a physician.
by Denise Visco
For more information on insurance, visit our website at www.chedwards.net
#WellnessWednesday #Winter #HealthySkin #Health #SelfCare #LongIslandInsurance #Auto #Home #Business #Life #Flood #CHEdwardsInsurance #FarmingdaleInsurance #ViscoFamilyInsurance #WadingRiverInsurance #StevenVisco #DeniseVisco
Decorating Safely for the Holidays

Decorating Safely for the Holidays

Don’t let fire or accident spoil your holiday season.  Use these tips to keep your family safe while celebrating all winter long!

The winter holidays are a time for fun, family, and festivities.  That often means more cooking, decorating, entertaining and shortcuts.  Christmas trees, candles, and holiday lights are responsible for hundreds of fires and accidents each year.  Before you deck your halls, make sure you’re following these safety tips.

-Inspect your holiday decorations carefully to make sure there are no loose or frayed wires.  Choose those made with flame-resistant, flame-retardant or non-combustible materials.

-Keep candles away from decorations and other combustible materials, and do not use candles to decorate your Christmas tree.

-Purchase only lights and electrical decorations bearing the name of an independent testing lab, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and maintenance

-Do not overload extension cords.

-Always unplug lights before replacing light bulbs or fuses.

-Don’t use clips or nails that puncture your light cords wire insulation.

-Keep children and pets away from light strings and electrical decorations

-Turn off all lights and decorations when you head out for the day or go to bed at night.

-Test your smoke alarms to make sure they are working properly as a backup

-If you have a real tree, keep it moist by watering frequently.

-Candle fires in the home are reported to a U.S. Fire Department every 34 minutes during the holidays.  If you are decorating with candles, make sure they are far away from any item that can burn such as furniture, bedding, curtains or other decorations.

Follow these safety tips to ensure Happy Holidays for all!

These tips are designed as general information that may apply to many situations.  Please take them and apply them to your specific information.

For more information on Home, Auto, Business, Life or Flood Insurance, contact the specialists at C.H. Edwards, Inc.  We are happy to provide you with the information that will best protect your family.  www.chedwards.net






Tips To Prevent Frozen Pipes

Tips To Prevent Frozen Pipes

This Winter is forecast to be one of the coldest on record. Many homeowners and businesses will be experiencing frozen water pipes.

Low temperatures of 20 degrees and below can result in frozen or burst water pipes.

Here are some precautions to take when avoiding frozen or bursting pipes in your home:

– Keep your heat up to at least 60-65 degrees.
– Run faucets at a slow trickle.
– Seal any areas where there is a draft.
– Open up your cabinet doors to let heat into closed spaces.
– Remove hoses from outside yard faucets.

If your pipes DO freeze, it’s OK! Just because they are frozen it does not mean they will burst. Here is what you can do:

– Leave your faucets open and call a plumber.
– Do not use a torch or open flame to thaw a frozen pipe.
– Try thawing the frozen pipe with a hairdryer. Start with the pipe closest to the faucet and work your way to the coldest section.

In the event your pipes have burst, turn off the water at the main shut off valve and leave your faucets on. It’s important that every member of your home know where the main shut off valve is located.

For more information, the damages and repairs that are covered under your homeowner’s insurance due to a burst pipe, contact our Homeowners Insurance specialists at (516) 249-5200 or visit our website at www.chedwards.net


Discounts on your Insurance are available!

Discounts on your Insurance are available!

There are many different types of discounts that we can make available to our customers. The first is a coupler discount. This means that your home and auto are insured together. Another discount can be added if an umbrella policy is included in the package. Some of the other discounts that we can make available to you are age of home, home buyer, renovations, claim free, retirement, gated community, and protective devices. 

C.H. Edwards, Inc. is an Independent Insurance Agency who represents over 15 A+ rated, highly competitive insurance companies. We specialize in Auto Insurance, difficult to insure Long Island homes, as well as a full range of Commercial Insurance. Flood insurance and Life insurance are also available at competitive prices. Let our Independent Agents do the shopping for you!

Does any of this sound interesting to you? Make a no obligation phone to C.H. Edwards, Inc. today and let us tell you how these discounts can help you save even more money! Don’t delay, give us a call today.

Let us make today a great day!
(516) 249-5200