Open roads and motorcycle safety is always in style!

Open roads and motorcycle safety is always in style!


Blue Skies and open roads are finally here. Not only does that mean it’s time to get your motorcycle back on the road, but also to make sure you are riding with safety.  “While motorcycles are cool, they just aren’t as safe as cars. To some people, that’s part of the appeal. Living life on the edge and taking risks can be part of what makes riding a motorcycle rewarding.” In this blog, you will find many safety tips to make sure you have the best experience possible.


  1. Wear a helmet. A helmet can help reduce or prevent concussions, skull fractures, damage to eye sockets or other facial features, and traumatic brain injuries.
  2. Take a motorcycle safety course., is one of the many places to offer both basic and beyond basic motorcycle safety courses.
  3. Check your motorcycle before hitting the road. Make sure the lights, horn, blinkers, brakes, and tires are in good working order before you even turn on the engine, especially if you have not been on your bike recently.
  4. Educate your passengers. Make sure to have a spare helmet ready for anyone else who will ride with you on your motorcycle, and talk them through motorcycle safety so you can drive distraction-free.
  5. Keep your hands firmly on the handlebars. Too many drivers take one hand off the wheel, especially to fiddle with the radio or answer their phone. Distracted driving is dangerous enough when you’re surrounded by metal and airbags – when you’re operating a motorcycle, all you have between yourself and hitting the pavement is your safety gear and your awareness. Keep your hands in place, steering your bike, and look out for other drivers.
  6. Look twice at every intersection. Look left, then right, then left again before driving through an intersection. Many drivers do not look carefully for stop or yield signs. A number of drivers involved in motorcycle accidents claim that they did not even see the rider before it was too late. This simple safety precaution can help ensure that you see them and that they see you before it’s too late.
  7. Leave enough space. As a motorcyclist, you will not have the benefit of a bumper if you hit the vehicle in front of you, and you could easily fly off your bike and seriously injure yourself.


Along with these safety tips, you should also make sure your insurance is completely up to date. One major detour / red light on your joy ride, could be not having proper coverage, including motorcycle accessory coverage. Here at C.H. Edwards, we make getting proper coverage as easy as cruising through green lights. Give us a call for your no obligation quotation.

Gina Rodriguez makes a high school student’s dreams come true!

Gina Rodriguez makes a high school student’s dreams come true!

Gina Rodriguez, the star of “Jane the Virgin”, is making a high school student`s prom dream come true. Jessica Casanova is a high school teen who dreamt of wearing her idol`s Golden Globes dress to prom. Gina Rodriquez saw her tweet and made her dreams come true.

“Rodriguez’s good gestures didn’t end there, as she paid for some alterations to the dress and even sent along a personal video, according to the Associated Press. In it she tells Casanova, “I love you, I’m so proud of you. I’m so excited for you. Dance like no one’s watching, have the time of your life. Enjoy every single moment. Make smart decisions and let loose, girl. You look beautiful.” After seeing this, many fans also got in on this action and started the trend, “Sisterhood of the Traveling Golden Globes Dress.” Gina plans on passing her dress along to other teens attending their prom.

This amazing gesture made by Gina Rodriguez is something that you can also participate in., and are just a few. Instead of having your dresses hanging in the closet, you can make someone`s prom dreams come true.

Stay cool for the summer with starbucks!

Stay cool for the summer with starbucks!

Starbucks is about to give you some new options to wake up in the morning and to stay cool all summer long. This summer, Starbucks is releasing two new types of Cold Brews. These two new menu items will be Nitro Cold Brew and Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew.


Let`s start off with the Nitro Cold Brew. This is considered a spin on the signature Cold Brew. But this time is unique because it’ll be infused with nitrogen. The reasoning behind this combination is to give a smoother and more creamy texture to the beverage. What makes it even more fascinating is that it will be poured to perfection right out of a tap. “Nitro Cold Brew is cold right out of the tap and served unsweetened without ice. A Tall (12-ounce) serving has 5 calories and 0 grams of sugar.” This new way of serving up a classic Cold Brew is definitely going to be interesting to see. “We start with a small, chilled keg of Starbucks Cold Brew coffee,” said Anthony Carroll, a 20-year partner on Starbucks Coffee team. “Then it’s infused with nitrogen, which unlocks the super-smooth, natural sweetness of the Cold Brew coffee, which then cascades from the tap with a velvety texture you can see and taste.” Currently this beverage is being offered in select stores in Seattle. By the end of the summer, the list of participating stores will increase. And we are in luck, because New York is on the list! Along with 500 company-operated stores in Chicago, Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles.


The second Cold Brew is a sweeter version of the signature drink. “We wanted to create a coffee-forward iced beverage with a splash of sweet cream,” said Christal Canzler from Starbucks beverage development team. This delicious combination will be made with Starbucks Cold Brew over ice and finished off with a house-made vanilla sweet cream. “A Tall (12-ounce) serving is 100 calories and 12 grams of sugar.”  These two new beverages will definitely help you stay cool for the summer. Which one will you try first?


National Wear Red Day 2016

National Wear Red Day 2016

Today, February 5th, is National Wear Red Day. Today is a special day in which we bring awareness to women’s heart disease, stroke, and critical research to discover scientific understanding about cardiovascular health.

Heart disease and stroke cause 1 in 3 deaths among women each year. Fortunately, 80 percent of cardiac events can be prevented with awareness and lifestyle changes.

It is important for all women, to take care of their hearts. It is essential to know the signs of a heart attack and know how to further prevent this from effecting you and your loved ones.

When a heart attack strikes, it doesn’t always feel the same in women as it does in men. Women have more silent symptoms that can go unnoticed.

These six heart attack symptoms are the most common in women:
• Chest pain or discomfort.
• Pain in your arms, back, neck or jaw.
• Stomach pain such as heart burn or a stomach ulcer.
• Shortness of breath, nausea, or lightheadedness.
• Sweating or breaking out into a cold sweat.
• Fatigue.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

The American Heart Association encourages everyone to wear red and take action to live longer and healthier lives.

For more information on women’s heart health and ways to keep your heart healthy in every age spectrum, visit

You can show off your red attire by posting a picture on all your social media profiles and use the hashtag #GoRed. It’s time to raise awareness and it all starts with you.

Show your support today!

Written by: Amanda Haase

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

The New Year has arrived and people all around the world will be making New Year’s Resolutions. Making a New Year’s Resolutions is the first step to achieving a new you, however, maintaining and following through with your goals can get tough.

Life gets busy and the objectives that you are hoping to reach can fall off of your priority list. If one of your resolutions this New Year is to maintain or get to a healthy weight, here are some easy, everyday tips that can help you stay on track during the chaos.

1. Exercise regularly. Even if it is just for 10 minutes a day, keeping your body moving will help maintain your goal.

2. Reduce your screen time. Put down the phone and remote control and get outside for a walk. Limiting your use of technology gives your mind a moment to rest and helps the body relax.

3. Watch your portions. There is no reason that you can’t enjoy the things you love while trying to eat better. It is all about portions. Instead of eating ten of your favorite cookies, try only having two. This goes for meal potions as well.

4. Eat five servings of fruits and veggies a day. Fruits and veggies are packed with fiber, which means they fill you up. When you fill up on fruits and veggies, you’re less likely to overeat.

5. Avoid skipping breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This meal gives you the energy to kick start your day and also helps aid weight loss.

6. Join a gym. This option can open up many doors to your weight loss journey.

Do you own a gym or a fitness center? Join our family of satisfied fitness clients, and let us quote your gym today! Call our office at (516) 249-5200 or visit our website at Don’t forget to mention us at your gym so we can help them as well.

Good luck with your New Year’s Resolution!

Written by: Amanda Haase

National Popcorn Day

National Popcorn Day

Many years before movies were around, there was popcorn! Archeologist have made us believe that popcorn is actually a “stone age snack”.

Researchers found 80,000-year-old corn pollen below Mexico City. These corn pollens are exactly the same as modern corn pollen, meaning cave people most likely had popcorn.

The oldest corn pollen ever found was discovered in the “Bat Cave” of central New Mexico. This pollen is believed to be 5,600 years old. Archaeologists have found prehistoric kernels of popcorn that are so well preserved that they can still pop!

In fact, popcorn only became popular to Americans in the 19th century. It became a well-known snack food which is why you can now find it in parks, movie theaters, at sporting events, and even street vendors.

During World War II, when sugar was rationed, Americans were forced to change their snacking habits. Americans were now eating three times as much popcorn as they had before compared to other sugary treats.

Today, the perfect place to eat popcorn is at the movies. Back in the 1930’s and 1940’s, it was the exact same scenario. However, when television took off in the 1950s, popcorn sales dropped for a while.

Americans now consume more popcorn than could fill the Empire State Building. That is more than fifty popped quarts per person, per year. That’s a lot of popcorn!

Celebrate National Popcorn Day, today, and get popping.

Written By: Amanda Haase

January is Eye Care Awareness Month

January is Eye Care Awareness Month

January is Eye Care Awareness month. Many think that eye exams and checkups are not as important as annual physicals from your primary doctor. That is not always the case.

It’s generally not necessary to see an eye doctor every 6 months for an eye exam, however, it is important to know when you should get your eyes checked. Age and medical conditions are two things to consider when making this choice.

Here are some other signs and symptoms that will let you know when it is time for an eye exam:

Sudden blurry vision or focus problems can be a sign of a larger health issue and should always be taken seriously. Even if it is happening in just one eye, play it safe and get it checked out.

Sudden appearances of visual disturbances such as floaters can be a sign of a retinal detachment, a retinal tear, or a retinal hole. If you experience this symptom, be sure to seek medical attention to avoid future vision loss or damage.

Gradual Blurring of Vision usually occurs over time or as we get older. If you have to move closer or further away from objects to have a better focus, it’s time to get a checkup.

Frequent or recurring headaches can be a closely related sign of a vision problem as well.

Having some infrequent eye pain or eye strain isn’t usually a big problem. However, if you are experiencing frequent eye pains or need to strain your eyes to focus, this could very well be a sign of a vision problem.

It is important that you and your family to get eyes checked today. Schedule an appointment with your eye care specialist for the New Year to avoid any future problems.

If you don’t have an eye doctor, find one at This sight will help you locate an eye doctor in your area.

For more informational blogs like this one, visit our website at

Written by: Amanda Haase

October is Emotional Wellness Awareness Month

October is Emotional Wellness Awareness Month

Aside from being physically healthy, it is important to keep your mind healthy. Simple things like controlling your stress levels and getting enough sleep can help and play a big roll in your mental health.

If you overexert yourself on a hot day or stay up for 24 hours with no sleep, you probably wouldn’t be surprised if your body suddenly “broke down”. Your mind is subject to the same rules, meaning that it can only take so much stress before it breaks down.

Here are 8 strategies to stay emotionally healthy:

  1. Be an optimist and look on the bright side of everything.
  2. Have hope and know that things will get better during dark times.
  3. Accept yourself. Instead of pondering on all the things you dislike about yourself, think about all the good things that define you and make you, you!
  4. Stay connected and go out with family and friends often. It is always good to be surrounded by people that love you.
  5. Express gratitude. Studies show that people who are thankful are better at dealing with stress.
  6. Find your purpose and meaning. Set goals for yourself and thrive on your natural talents.
  7. Exercise regularly, a little bit of exercise every day is good for your well being; it helps you concentrate and get things off your mind.
  8. Practice mindfulness; meaning really focus and appreciate the moment of time that you are in.

Start practicing good mental health today. Just like a workout for your body, here’s a workout for your mind.



Drink Tea For Better Heart Health

Drink Tea For Better Heart Health

Woman drinking green tea

A recent study found that drinking tea will lower your risk of heart disease. The USDA reported that men and women who drank black tea for three weeks reduced their total and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels by an average of 7.5 percent. Researchers concluded that drinking tea may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Antioxidants called flavonoids found in both black and green tea, are thought to be strong weapons in the fight against heart disease.

This news is especially important for women, given heart disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined including breast cancer.

Think about enjoying a cup of tea each day and not only will you be taking a well deserved break, but you will also be taking an important step in improving your heart health.

Written by: Denise Visco

Get Moving With the Latest Fit Bit Fitness Tracker

Get Moving With the Latest Fit Bit Fitness Tracker

fit bitMany people are purchasing wearable fitness trackers, such as the Fit Bit. This handy dandy device is able to track many things such as the number of steps you take in a day, the total miles you have walked, calories you have burned and even your sleep rhythm.

You may be thinking, “Who would want to wear an uncomfortable, clunky band on their wrist?” The fit bit fitness tracker however is far from annoying. The fitness tracker itself is a small electronic piece that is held inside a breathable, easy to clean band in the color of your choice. Simply slide the tracker into the band and your ready to go!

Reading and viewing updates on your fitness tracker is easy too. Downloading the Fit Bit fitness app on your phone allows you to sync your device to your phone and lets FitBit_Flex-Sleep2you access your results in the palm of your hand at anytime of the day.

When it is time to turn the lights off and get some rest after a long day, visit your Fit Bit fitness app and put your fitness device into sleep mode and your tracker will begin to track your sleep rhythm, including how many times you are restless throughout the night, when you are awake and when you are sleeping.

When it’s time to wake up, your fitness band vibrates softly to wake you up at the time you set in your alarm clocks setting in your app.

rainbow-pack-fitbit-flex_1024x1024Not only is having the Fit Bit fitness device helpful to your daily life but it also fun in that you can make this wearable device fit your everyday style! When you first purchase the fit bit, you are given a band in one color of your choice, but aside from using that one colored band, you are able to purchase more bands from a huge variety of designs and colors.

Making fitness fun is finally here! When will you be purchasing your Fit Bit fitness tracker?

Written by: Amanda Haase
