It’s the Season for Halloween Tricks and Pranks. Are you protected?
It’s the Halloween season. Time for the young ones to choose costumes, go to parties and enjoy a day of trick or treating. It is often considered the “right time” for older kids to get into mischief. Does your insurance protect you from this mischief?

Vandalism to your Home: A standard homeowners or renters policy provides this coverage. There will be a deductible before your policy starts to pay, but if you suffer expensive damage to your home or possessions you may be financially protected.
You wake up to toilet paper all over your property: Toilet-papering may not do any harm to your property, but if the pranksters damage your property in the process, you may be covered.
Your car is vandalized with eggs/shaving cream/pumpkins: The mess can be removed with a simple car wash so you won’t reach your deductible. If your car receives more extensive damage which would require repair, you should be covered under your automobile insurance as long as you carry comprehensive coverage.
Your home is burglarized: If your home is burglarized on Halloween, your homeowner policy will cover theft of any belongings as well as any damage that occurs because of a break-in. Your deductible must be met first. Keep in mind that you will be required to provide proof of ownership of the stolen items. This is a good time to think about a video inventory or establishing a system of saving receipts for all of your expensive belongings.
The above are the most common tricks of Halloween that might cause harm to you or your home. There are some simple things you can do to protect your property.
-Keeps outside lights on. This may deter someone from vandalizing your property
-Speak to your kids about the difference between having fun and causing damage to a person’s property
-Try and find organized Halloween events to keep kids safe while having fun
Are you interested in finding out what is covered and what is not on your auto, home owners or renter’s policy? Are you looking to find out if your current policy is offering you the best coverage at the most competitive price? Call C.H. Edwards, Inc. at 516-249-5200.
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween.