Tips To Staying Safe On Your Summer Road Trip Vacation

Tips To Staying Safe On Your Summer Road Trip Vacation

summer driving photoSummer is finally here and that means one thing – it’s road trip season! Whether you plan on following your favorite band around the country, taking a family vacation or diner hoping, it is important to stay safe while on your trip. Check out these seven tips to staying safe on your road trip vacation:


1. Before you go, check your oil, and any other fluids that may be low.

tires photo2. Make sure tires are properly inflated and inspect them for excessive wear.

3. If the battery in your vehicle is more then three years old, have it tested. You may even want to replace it.

(Please see our Summer Safety Driving Tips blog for more information regarding vehicle maintenance)

4. When you plan a trip, time your route so you drive through the busiest places during non-peak travel hours.

5. When you and your family take a break from driving to eat or sleep, either bring your pricey gadgets with you or hide them inside your locked car to avoid theft.

6. Avoid speeding and rapid accelerations to conserve your gas. Remember, hauling heavy cargo is bad for fuel economy as well.

7. Pack emergency supplies of food, water, tools, a cell phone charger, and a flashlight. You may not need them but it never hurts to be safe rather than sorry.

Make sure when you plan your summer road trip you follow these driving photohelpful, safety tips to protect your loved ones. If you are interested in receiving a free, no obligation Automobile quote please give C.H. Edwards a call at 516-249-5200, and let us help you get covered!

Drive safe this summer season!

Written by: Amanda Haase