Protecting Your Four Legged Friend During The Summer Month

Protecting Your Four Legged Friend During The Summer Month

While it is easy for humans to detect their body reactions to heat, for pets, it is not so easy. This is why it is important to keep a close eye on your pets and provide extra care for them during the hot summer months.

Follow these helpful tips when it comes to protecting your four legged friend:

1. Do not leave pets in a parked car: The temperature inside a vehicle can quickly approach dangerous. If you know your pet will not be allowed in a certain store while you are out, make sure to keep them at home in the comfort of your air conditioned home.

2. Change pets exercise regimen: Midday walks should be switched to early mornings and evenings when the sun is not at its peak and the temperatures are cooler.

3. Be mindful of your breed: Short-nosed breeds have a harder time in extreme heat due to their shorter airways. Also, consider the fur on your dog. For example, dogs with more hair like huskies should spend very little time outside to avoid over heating.

4. Let dogs inside: Your dog may enjoy their dog house but they are very similar to a parked car on hot days. Bring your dog inside and let them enjoy the air conditioning.

5. Learn to recognize the signs of heat stroke: Heavy painting, glazed eyes and rapid heart beat are all sure signs of heatstroke. Make sure that if your pet has any of these signs to seek medical help immediately.

Pets are not just pets, they are family. Make sure that you treat your furry friend with extra love and compassion on these hot days as well as every other day of the year.



Open roads and motorcycle safety is always in style!

Open roads and motorcycle safety is always in style!


Blue Skies and open roads are finally here. Not only does that mean it’s time to get your motorcycle back on the road, but also to make sure you are riding with safety.  “While motorcycles are cool, they just aren’t as safe as cars. To some people, that’s part of the appeal. Living life on the edge and taking risks can be part of what makes riding a motorcycle rewarding.” In this blog, you will find many safety tips to make sure you have the best experience possible.


  1. Wear a helmet. A helmet can help reduce or prevent concussions, skull fractures, damage to eye sockets or other facial features, and traumatic brain injuries.
  2. Take a motorcycle safety course., is one of the many places to offer both basic and beyond basic motorcycle safety courses.
  3. Check your motorcycle before hitting the road. Make sure the lights, horn, blinkers, brakes, and tires are in good working order before you even turn on the engine, especially if you have not been on your bike recently.
  4. Educate your passengers. Make sure to have a spare helmet ready for anyone else who will ride with you on your motorcycle, and talk them through motorcycle safety so you can drive distraction-free.
  5. Keep your hands firmly on the handlebars. Too many drivers take one hand off the wheel, especially to fiddle with the radio or answer their phone. Distracted driving is dangerous enough when you’re surrounded by metal and airbags – when you’re operating a motorcycle, all you have between yourself and hitting the pavement is your safety gear and your awareness. Keep your hands in place, steering your bike, and look out for other drivers.
  6. Look twice at every intersection. Look left, then right, then left again before driving through an intersection. Many drivers do not look carefully for stop or yield signs. A number of drivers involved in motorcycle accidents claim that they did not even see the rider before it was too late. This simple safety precaution can help ensure that you see them and that they see you before it’s too late.
  7. Leave enough space. As a motorcyclist, you will not have the benefit of a bumper if you hit the vehicle in front of you, and you could easily fly off your bike and seriously injure yourself.


Along with these safety tips, you should also make sure your insurance is completely up to date. One major detour / red light on your joy ride, could be not having proper coverage, including motorcycle accessory coverage. Here at C.H. Edwards, we make getting proper coverage as easy as cruising through green lights. Give us a call for your no obligation quotation.

Gina Rodriguez makes a high school student’s dreams come true!

Gina Rodriguez makes a high school student’s dreams come true!

Gina Rodriguez, the star of “Jane the Virgin”, is making a high school student`s prom dream come true. Jessica Casanova is a high school teen who dreamt of wearing her idol`s Golden Globes dress to prom. Gina Rodriquez saw her tweet and made her dreams come true.

“Rodriguez’s good gestures didn’t end there, as she paid for some alterations to the dress and even sent along a personal video, according to the Associated Press. In it she tells Casanova, “I love you, I’m so proud of you. I’m so excited for you. Dance like no one’s watching, have the time of your life. Enjoy every single moment. Make smart decisions and let loose, girl. You look beautiful.” After seeing this, many fans also got in on this action and started the trend, “Sisterhood of the Traveling Golden Globes Dress.” Gina plans on passing her dress along to other teens attending their prom.

This amazing gesture made by Gina Rodriguez is something that you can also participate in., and are just a few. Instead of having your dresses hanging in the closet, you can make someone`s prom dreams come true.

Natural Gas Safety

Natural Gas Safety

Whether you are at home, at work, or in a public place, it is likely that you are in an area served by natural gas. Natural gas pipelines quietly and efficiently transport natural gas every day to residential homes and businesses.

Just like with other forms of energy, natural gas must be handled with proper care. Despite the industry’s excellent safety record, a gas leak can occur at any time and potentially cause a hazardous and dangerous situation.

Many gas pipelines are underground in public areas. These areas are marked off with lines to show an approximate location of the pipeline, however, this line will not indicate its depth. These markers will also display the pipeline’s operator and telephone number where the operator can be contacted in case of an emergency.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of natural gas and prepare yourself to act quickly in the event of an emergency.

A gas leak can be often recognized by three of the senses, smell, sight, and sound.

Smell – Natural gas is colorless and odorless. However, it has a very distinct, and pungent odor. Similar to rotten eggs.

Sight – You may see a white cloud, mist, fog or bubbles in standing water or blowing dust. You may also see vegetation that appears to be dead for no apparent reason.

Sound – Hearing a roaring, hissing or whistling noise, could also be a sign of a gas leak.

If you recognize any of these, move to a safe place and call 911 immediately.

Do not smoke or operate electrical switches or appliances, as this can cause an explosion. Most importantly, do not assume that someone else will report the condition. Provide an exact location to where the gas leak is when reporting to the police.

For more information on gas leaks and gas safety, please visit

Written by: Amanda Haase

Spring Forward To Safety With C.H.Edwards

Spring Forward To Safety With C.H.Edwards

It’s that time of year where coffee becomes a little more than necessary in the morning. That is because it is time to spring forward.  Sunday, March 13th marks the first day of Daylight Savings. For some people this could be seen as just a loss of sleep but for others it is a sign that sunny and longer days are finally here.

The saying “Spring forward, fall back” is an old expression used to remind people to adjust your clocks. Although making sure you get up in time in the morning is important, there are also several necessary tasks to ensure a safe and happy spring and summer season. This could be looked at as a safety spring cleaning. Here are some necessary things to check off of your safety spring cleaning list. The first thing you should do is check to make sure there is a functioning fire detector and carbon dioxide detector in each room of your house. If you know there are any detectors that are over ten years old, then it’s time for new ones. After inserting fresh batteries check your alarm by activating the safety test button. Now that the alarms are all checked, it is time to clean your alarms. This can be done by gently using a vacuum cleaner to remove any dust and cobwebs. Because what use is a working alarm if you can’t hear it. Lastly, you should make an escape plan and review it with your entire family. It is a good idea to get everyone involved including the kids. After you have made your plan, make sure you have all functioning emergency supplies put together in several locations of your home. A good idea would be to create a backpack filled with flashlights, batteries and other items you feel are necessary. Once you have an action plan set, it’s time to test it out. Make sure everything is set and everyone is aware of the plan in case of an unfortunate tragedy.

Now that you know the importance of this safety spring cleaning list, it is time to put it into action. Whether you’re enjoying your cup of coffee with an extra shot of espresso or enjoying the outdoors, it is always best to put safety first and protect your home and family.

Have a Fun and Safe Halloween!

Have a Fun and Safe Halloween!

As Halloween time approaches, children everywhere will be picking out the perfect costume and heading out on Halloween night for some trick or treating fun. Along with the fun Halloween brings, it also can be a time for careless accidents.

Stay safe on Halloween night by following these 7 tips:

• Map out a trick or treating route before leaving the house and stick to a path your child is familiar with.

• Don’t forget to lock up. Whether you plan to stay home or you are heading out make sure to lock your doors and windows.

• Protect your car from being egged by parking in the garage.

• Make sure you and your child wear comfortable shoes to avoid tripping.

• Carry flashlights.

• Make sure costumes are not too long to avoid trip and fall accidents.

• Avoid buying sharp accessories and props. Look for flexible or foam props.

• Make sure to check all of your child’s candy when returning from trick or treating.

• When you are home for the night, keep your property well lit to avoid damage to your property.

As always, have fun and be safe this Halloween season. Start by preparing your children and yourself today.

Curious about what Halloween pranks are covered under your Homeowners Insurance policy? Give us a call at (516) 249-5200 and one of our Homeowners policy specialists will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns that you may have.

Happy Halloween from your friends at C.H. Edwards, Inc.


Pumpkin Carving Safety Tips

Pumpkin Carving Safety Tips

With just a week left till Halloween, it is finally time; pumpkin carving time! Kids, teens and even adults wait all year to carve their frightening Jack-O-Lanterns for Halloween night!

Carving pumpkins is a great way to spend time with the whole family, but it can quickly become dangerous and turn Halloween fun into an unwanted nightmare. Pumpkins are tough but can become very slippery when handling them. This is why it is important to use extra precautions when carving pumpkins.

Follow some of these helpful safety tips when you’re carving your pumpkin this year:

Use the right tools: Consumer Reports tested pumpkin-carving kits a few years ago and observed that one advantage of the specialty tools is that they can saw through rinds, poke holes, and scoop out innards without being razor-sharp. Instead of using a household knife and spoon, purchase one of these kits from your local store.

Carve before taking off the top of the pumpkin: Carving the pumpkin before cutting the top off will help you avoid accidentally sticking your hand in the pumpkin while cutting inwards.

Take precautions: Carve in a clean, dry, and well-lit area.

Take your time: Remember, this is a fun activity and fun shouldn’t be rushed!

Don’t let kids carve: It is important to not let young children carve by themselves. Instead, have children draw markings on the pumpkin and help clean the innards out with a spoon or their hands.

Pumpkin carving is fun for everyone. Make sure you are administering safety this year while you share these activities with the ones you love.

At C.H. Edwards, Inc., we take pride in offering you helpful safety information, so that you can make the most of the time you spend with your family.

The Management and Staff at C.H. Edwards, Inc. wish you a Happy and Safe Halloween!