Water Conservation Gardening Tips

Water Conservation Gardening Tips

As the weather heats up, many homeowners will be heading outside to start planting their favorite flowers, fruits, herbs, and vegetables.

Along with efficient gardening comes extended and excessive water use. Here are some simple tips that will help you conserve water while keeping your garden in tip-top shape.

The right plants. The best water conservation strategies start and end with plant selection. Look for drought-tolerant plants. Many have gray or silver foliage. Others have thick, fleshy leaves and are called succulents. These plants naturally need less water.

Compost. Adding compost to your garden soil regularly, not only adds beneficial nutrients, but also helps the soil retain moisture.

Shredded Leaves. Shredded leaves make excellent mulch, and better yet, they are free! Spread them in the fall to insulate the soil and prevent frost damage of perennials. The shreds will eventually break down and feed the soil, just like a compost.

Drip Irrigation. If you want to water your pots more efficiently, use a drip irrigation system to put water in the root zone. You can even hook it up to a timer to automatically start and stop irrigation.

These are just a few tips to help you save on water this gardening season. So, get out there, get gardening and save while you’re at it too!

For more information on water conservation please visit http://www.rodalesorganiclife.com/garden/top-10-ways-conserve-water.

Written by: Amanda Haase

Hands-free driving is about to have a new meaning!

Hands-free driving is about to have a new meaning!

Hands free driving is about to get a new meaning. One of the first self-driving cars will debut in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania next week. And the company debuting this vehicle is Uber. This past February, the ride-sharing company announced that they would be partnering with Carnegie Mellon University to open its Uber Advanced Technologies Center in Pittsburgh. It is preparing to launch autonomous vehicles in to its fleet by 2020.

“Self-driving cars have the potential to save millions of lives and improve quality of life for people around the world,” Uber said in a blog post on its site, citing a statistic that 94% of car accidents that result in the loss of live involve human error.

Uber`s rival Lyft, is also trying to get in on all of this action. Lyft has released a statement this month that they are currently in the same process. “Executives at Lyft and Uber have said one of the top hurdles to their success is navigating a patchwork of regulations that govern the use and liabilities of autonomous vehicles. Federal regulators are working to help companies figure out how to meet safety standards when designing cars.” This project is still in the early stages for both Lyft and Uber. With all the pros and cons to this, it’s interesting to see what will happen.

The Legend of Groundhog Day

The Legend of Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day has been a popular tradition in the United States for as long as most of us can remember. It is the day that the Groundhog comes out of his hole to look for his shadow.

If he sees his shadow, he considers it a sign of six more weeks of winter, and returns to his hole. However, if he doesn’t see his shadow, we will expect beautiful spring days ahead.

The groundhog tradition comes from similar beliefs associated Candlemas. This old European theory believes that a sunny Candlemas day would lead the winter to last another six weeks.

Gradually these traditions became associated with other different folklores. The Germans added the belief of an animal (originally a hedgehog). If the hedgehog was frightened by his shadow on Candlemas day, this would predict winter to last another six weeks.

This belief was then brought to America during the 18th Century by German settlers. These settlers then adopted the groundhog as their weather predictor.

Now, each year on February 2nd, we gather for fun events, crafts, stories, and other Groundhog Day celebrations as we await for the weather predictions.

Be sure to visit Long Island’s favorite groundhogs, the Malverne Mel and the Holtsville Hal as they predict what the rest of winter 2016 will have in store for us.

For more Groundhog Day celebrations and events on Long Island, visit http://www.longisland.com/news/01-12-16/groundhog-day-2016-events.html

Written by: Amanda Haase

DIY Home Projects for Cold Winter Days

DIY Home Projects for Cold Winter Days

How have you been spending your winter days? Maybe you’re spending them curled up on the couch reading a book, or watching your favorite TV program? Having a lazy day once in awhile isn’t a bad thing, but if you’re stuck indoors because of the cold, why not turn your lazy day into a “go day”?

Here are some home DIY projects to tackle during these cold winter days:

Do some painting. Cold weather is ideal for drying paint. Redo the color scheme of your bathroom, or add dimension to your living room or bedroom. If you are feeling creative, grab some painter’s tape and create a pattern on your walls.

Change your light bulbs. It can be a bit of an investment, however, going around your home and swapping your old light bulbs with energy efficient bulbs will save you money! Energy Star qualified light bulbs will save you more than $40 in electricity costs over its lifetime.

Install a backsplash to your kitchen’s countertop. A backsplash is a perfect way to spice up the look of your kitchen. If your kitchen is in need of color and life, a flashy or textured tile can spice up a plain scheme. For a more chic look, go with a neutral colored tile.

Give your closet a makeover. If organization is on your list for 2016, start by tackling your closet. There are so many ways to personalize your closet for your needs. Install shelves or purchase an over the door shoe rack to help cut down on clutter. Go through your clothes and donate the items that you no longer wear. This is an excellent way to help others in need while achieving a personal goal.

Do a Home Inventory. Prepare a written list of all your valuable belongings. In the event of a homeowners claim or loss, this list will be at your fingertips and will help expedite the claim process. Aside from preparing a written list, be sure to take detailed pictures of all your items listed in your inventory.

For more information on home inventories, visit: http://www.rmiia.org/homeowners/Walking_Through_Your_Policy/Home_Inventory.asp

These are just a few ideas to help you focus on the inside of your home while the weather is cold. Once spring time rolls around, you can focus your time on the outside!

For more inspirational DIY home projects, visit: http://www.countryliving.com/remodeling-renovation/expert-advice/g997/diy-weekend-home-decor-projects/?slide=1

Written by: Amanda Haase

Where To Pick? U-Pick Farms Long Island

Where To Pick? U-Pick Farms Long Island

Fall is here and that only means one thing, fresh fall produce! If you love fresh fruit’s and vegetables, check out one of Long Island’s many “U-Pick” farms on the east end! With a wide variety of choices ranging from apples, tomatoes, eggplants and pumpkins to fresh pies, cider, donuts and homemade jams, you and your family are sure to find something you all love!

Lewin’s farm on Sound Avenue is Calverton offers many fun, family activities along with their “U-Pick” farm experience. The whole family can enjoy corn mazes, hay rides and much more.

Even if you don’t feel like picking your own produce, Lewin’s offers a huge farms tand of already picked fresh produce right at your finger tips.

While there, make sure to take a drive down Sound Avenue and see what other farms and stands can offer you.

It’s fall fun for the whole family, don’t miss out on this year’s picking season.

Lewin Farm
812 Sound Avenue
Calverton, NY 11933
Phone: 631-929-4327

Written by: Amanda Haase

It’s Hunting Season on Long Island. Are you prepared?

It’s Hunting Season on Long Island. Are you prepared?

As the weather gets colder, many hunters on Long Island are searching for property on which to hunt. At the same time, landowners are asking themselves, should they allow hunters access to their land.

If you are a landowner and plan on allowing hunting access on your property, it is essential to know the importance of obtaining a Hunting lease.

A typical hunting lease will draw up the following agreement terms:

  • Whether or not the hunter will pay a fee or exchange a service in exchange for the use of land
  • What time of day is the hunter permitted to use the land
  • What section of the property is the hunter allowed to use
  • Whether the hunter is allowed to bring along friends and family to hunt
  • If there are any restrictions regarding firearms or bows that may be used on the property
  • Whether or not the hunter may use a tree standwhite-tail-deer

All agreements that are shown on a hunting lease are valuable things to have down in writing. Not only is it protecting the landowner, but the hunter as well.

In addition to obtaining a hunting lease it is important to know what the hunter’s intensions are after killing an animal. Make sure that the hunter is not killing “just to kill” but will use the animal for some means of use. (Not that they leave the animal on your property) Maintain a good relationship with the hunters using your land. It is best to communicate and be aware of the activities going on, on your property during hunting season.

Protect yourself and your land this hunting season. Review your Homeowners and property coverage with your insurance agent to find out what is covered in case of a mishap. If you are not satisfied with your current insurance coverage, call C.H. Edwards, Inc. and our personal lines representative will be happy to help find you coverage that fits you.

Written by: Amanda Haase

A Visit To Seven Ponds Orchard

A Visit To Seven Ponds Orchard

Seven Pond 2Fall on Long Island calls for weekends filled with “Farm Fun”. This past weekend was a beautiful weekend to be out on thSevan Pond 1e east end! Taking a trip “out east” is always a fun way to spend time with loved ones. Not only for your time spent together, but the beautiful scenery you will experience. With so many “U Pick” farms to choose from, you’re sure to find something that you will love! Seven Ponds Orchard, in Water Mill was filled with many Long Island Folks this past Sunday.

The weather was perfect to pick apples, pumpkins and corn! In addition to their Apple Trees and Pumpkin Patch, the market was filled with other fresh produce, pies, homemade jams, apple cider, apple cider donuts and even flavored honey sticks! Kids were having a blast too, as they enjoyed the farms corn maze, and a special tractor ride around the farm! With reasonable prices, walking out of the farm with a full bushel of assorted apples, a large pumpkin (for carving of course), five ears of corn, a pint of fresh cider and a handful of honey sticks was a steal!

Seven Pond 4Seven Ponds Orchard is located at 65 Seven Ponds Rd, Water Mill, New York 11976 and is open seven days a week from 9am to 6pm! 

Enjoy the Fall Season while it lasts! Plan a trip to visit our Long Island farms this weekend!

Written by: Amanda Haase

Taking Control of Your Fall Season Allergies!

Taking Control of Your Fall Season Allergies!

Isn’t incredible how the weather can change in the blink of eye? As we approach the fall, many of us may be suffering from allergies. Allergens are the substances that cause you to experience allergy symptoms. You may be asking, “What can I do about them?” or “How can I control them?”

Whether its indoor allergies or outdoor allergies that have you down, know how to control them!

When suffering with Indoor Allergies:

  • Filter your Air with air conditioning systems and vacuums to trap small allergens.
  • Minimize dust mites by washing your sheets in hot water at least once a week and using hypoallergenic bedding.
  • Control pets by keeping them off the furniture and out of bedrooms.
  • Keep your household dry to avoid mold.

When suffering with Outdoor Allergies:

  • Know your comfort zone and how much pollen exposure you can handle.
  • Keeps doors and windows closed to keep allergens out!
  • Avoid contact with grass and weeds when enjoying fall outdoor activities.
  • Use masks when cutting the lawn or being involved in yard work. Wearing jeans and long sleeved shirts to protect your skin.

So now you have it! Better your fall season by controlling your allergies. Make time to enjoy all those wonderful fall activities and most of all, be in control of your own body!