Not a fan of the New Year Resolution? Try a New Year Intention

Not a fan of the New Year Resolution? Try a New Year Intention

Wellness Wednesday
Not a fan of the New Year Resolution? Try a New Year Intention
Happy New Year! Now that the festivities are over, the clean up begins. The decorations from the holidays are put away and now is the time for that fresh start. A clean slate. We can begin the year anyway we choose. New Year resolutions are popular, but are they for you?
The New Year resolution is often attached to that difficult to obtain goal or something that you know you will only stick with for a short period of time and then view as a failed attempt rather than a new beginning. Try something new this year. How about setting an intention for the new year that can grow and change with you as your needs change?
An intention is defined as a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. Intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought.
The intention you choose is personal to you and can be viewed as a positive instead of the negative that is attached to the resolution. The act of setting this intention may take some quiet thought, meditation or even soul-searching. How you do this or what you choose is entirely up to you. Your in the driver’s seat on this one. There is no time limit to set one and the process of achieving it can take as long as you need.
Give it a try! Make this New Year the new beginning you always wanted.
The information shared in Wellness Wednesday is a format to offer suggestions and is not intended to replace the advice of a skilled professional.
by Denise Visco
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You Made it through the Holidays, Now take time to Just Breathe!

You Made it through the Holidays, Now take time to Just Breathe!

Wellness Wednesday
You made it through the Holidays, Now take time to Just Breathe!
The hustle and bustle of the holidays are over. The shopping, holiday parties, late nights, overindulgence of all the holiday favorites are now behind you. Take the time to Just Breathe!
The idea of New Year Resolutions weigh on your mind and the conversation of the New Year brings a fresh start and new opportunity, Don’t let this overwhelm you. Just Breathe!
It is natural to put this pressure on yourself with all the conversation that revolves around the New Year. More celebrations, starting a diet or fitness program, putting away the holiday decorations and taking on holiday returns. Just Breathe!
Pace yourself and be kind to yourself. There is plenty of time to get all of these things done. Take this time for yourself and Just Breathe!
Breathing is a daily function that keeps us alive but the flow of oxygen and the release of the breath during an exhale involves many functions in our body. Take time to consider this. During the exhale, oxygen is transferred into the bloodstream, decreasing stress, which is critical on days that you need the most energy.
It is recommended that an energizing breath be one where you breathe in through your nose while counting to four, then exhale through your mouth and count to four. Repeat this five to ten times. Be Mindful. During this time try to clear your mind of to-do lists and concerning thoughts. It is also important to stay hydrated during this exercise. Take this time for you and Just Breathe!
Wellness Wednesday topics are designed to bring topics of wellness to your attention and should never be viewed as medical advice or to replace a medical professional.
Your feedback is important to us. Please let us know if you have tried any of these tips or if there are any topics that you would like to see covered.
by Denise Visco
For more information on Home, Auto, Business, Life, Umbrella or Flood Insurance contact C.H. Edwards, Inc.
#WellnessWednesday #JustBreathe #NewYearResolutions #BeKindtoYourself #Mindfulness #LongIslandInsurance #CHEdwardsInsurance #Farmingdale #ViscoFamilyInsurance #WadingRiver
Having trouble staying happy this holiday season?  Try some happiness helpers.

Having trouble staying happy this holiday season? Try some happiness helpers.

Wellness Wednesday

Having some trouble staying happy this holiday season? Try some happiness helpers.

Are you having a tough time being truly happy this holiday season? You’re not alone. The holidays are often a difficult time for many. Try some of these research-based happiness helpers.

1. Set an intention to enjoy the holidays. When making a conscious decision to be open to happiness, you are more likely to be more aware of uplifting moments.

2. Take a break to regain focus. If you are feeling completely overwhelmed by your to-do list, stop and take a moment to do something you enjoy. Have a cup of tea, take a bath, go for a walk, try some yoga, talk to a friend or watch a movie. Leave the holiday mode for a bit and just relax.

3. Practice gratitude and generosity. Don’t take good fortune for granted. Reflect on your good blessings and let your loved ones know you appreciate them. Everyone feels the joy of a loving connection. Neuroscience research suggests that performing an act of generosity lights up the same pleasure centers in the brain as food. When an impulse to be generous arises, act on it and notice the feeling.

4. Lastly, play and have fun. The holidays give us a reason to let ourselves act and feel like we did when we were kids. Take time to be around kids. Take delight in their enthusiasm. Singing or dancing is a great way to get out of our head and open our hearts to really experience joy.

Happiness is contagious! If you are happy, family and friends around you are more likely to experience your happiness and be happy too.

This Wellness article offers suggestions and does not replace the advice of a trained professional. If you feel prolonged sadness or the inability to find happiness this holiday season, please contact a healthcare professional.

Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season.

For more information on Home, Auto, Business or Life Insurance, contact C.H. Edwards, Inc. at

by Denise Visco

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