You Made it through the Holidays, Now take time to Just Breathe!
Keeping Pets Safe this Holiday Season
Wellness Wednesday
Keeping Pets Safe this Holiday Season
Our pets are part of our family so it isn’t unusual for them to join in our holiday festivities. Even though they are part of our family, pets have special needs that don’t allow them to celebrate in the same way we do.
Pets like to sit under the dining table in hopes that they will pick up a scrap or two. Sharing your meat scraps with a pet can be ok if no seasoning is used. Ingredients like onions can cause fatigue in pets, raisins in fruitcake can cause kidney failure as well as garlic, nuts, and nutmeg that can cause a variety of GI issues Be careful with the foods your pet may pick up or given.
Pets also like to linger around the Christmas tree trying to get a few sips of the water used to keep your live tree fresh. Although it seems harmless, Christmas trees leach out fertilizer and other toxic chemicals into the water. Standing water becomes a breeding ground for illness-causing bacteria. It is best to keep your pets out of this water no matter how cute it may seem. A suggestion would be to cover the trees water basin with foil or plastic wrap to keep your pet safely out of the water.
Pets are also one of the most requested gifts from children. How do you know if your child is ready for a pet? Ask yourself this question first. How good is your child at reliably completing chores? This will tell you how likely they are to help with the pet. This will also help you understand how much your child can do on their own and how much help you need to contribute. This should be a family decision as your new pet will become the newest member of your family.
Wishing you and your pets a safe and happy holiday season.
by Denise Visco
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Having trouble staying happy this holiday season? Try some happiness helpers.
Wellness Wednesday
Having some trouble staying happy this holiday season? Try some happiness helpers.
Are you having a tough time being truly happy this holiday season? You’re not alone. The holidays are often a difficult time for many. Try some of these research-based happiness helpers.
1. Set an intention to enjoy the holidays. When making a conscious decision to be open to happiness, you are more likely to be more aware of uplifting moments.
2. Take a break to regain focus. If you are feeling completely overwhelmed by your to-do list, stop and take a moment to do something you enjoy. Have a cup of tea, take a bath, go for a walk, try some yoga, talk to a friend or watch a movie. Leave the holiday mode for a bit and just relax.
3. Practice gratitude and generosity. Don’t take good fortune for granted. Reflect on your good blessings and let your loved ones know you appreciate them. Everyone feels the joy of a loving connection. Neuroscience research suggests that performing an act of generosity lights up the same pleasure centers in the brain as food. When an impulse to be generous arises, act on it and notice the feeling.
4. Lastly, play and have fun. The holidays give us a reason to let ourselves act and feel like we did when we were kids. Take time to be around kids. Take delight in their enthusiasm. Singing or dancing is a great way to get out of our head and open our hearts to really experience joy.
Happiness is contagious! If you are happy, family and friends around you are more likely to experience your happiness and be happy too.
This Wellness article offers suggestions and does not replace the advice of a trained professional. If you feel prolonged sadness or the inability to find happiness this holiday season, please contact a healthcare professional.
Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season.
For more information on Home, Auto, Business or Life Insurance, contact C.H. Edwards, Inc. at
by Denise Visco
#WellnessWednesday #SpiritRockMeditationCenter#NaturalAwakeningsMagazine #AwakeningJoy #generosity #gratitude#Happiness #LongIslandInsurance #CHEdwardsInsurance #Farmingdale#WadingRiver #DeniseVisco #StevenVisco
Taking Road Safety Seriously Every Day. Today’s shortcut can be tomorrow’s danger.
Wellness Wednesday
Taking Road Safety Seriously every day. Today’s shortcut may be tomorrow’s danger.
Thanksgiving is just a day away and the December holidays begin just after. Did you know Thanksgiving is the most traveled holiday of the year?
Road safety should be observed year round, but at the holidays it is especially critical. Rushing around to holiday events, shopping and visiting family puts you in the car more often and it is easy to take a shortcut to try and save a few minutes. Distracted driving and not observing safety precautions can lead to serious consequences.
Let’s consider a few safety concerns that you should never cut out.
-Buckle Up! So many adults just jump into the car and go. Besides being a violation because it’s the law, using your safety belt will protect you from serious injury in the event of an accident.
-Making sure children are restrained is also important. Allowing the independence of doing it themselves is important but is also a violation if they are not properly fastened in their seats.
-Obey the speed limits at all times. The few minutes you save speeding can lead to a speeding ticket, moving violation and increased insurance rates.
-Forget about the cell phone! If it can not be accessed through your car, it can wait until your next stop. In addition to the possible accident, you can cause by taking your eyes off the road to answer the phone, using a cell phone while driving is also a violation that comes with a hefty fine.
-Never drive if you have had too much to drink or are taking medication that restricts your use of driving a motor vehicle. This may not be a decision you can make in the moment.
The holidays are an exciting time to be spent with family and friends. Practice safety and make it a holiday to remember.
The above are suggestions that are made based on research of best practices, motor vehicle, and insurance guidelines. They are a reminder to practice caution.
For more information on automobile insurance or a free, no obligation quotation visit our website at or call us 516-249-5200.
by Denise Visco
#WellnessWednesday #AutoInsurance #BestPractices #Safety #Family#HolidayDriving #Home #Auto #Business #Life #Flood #DeniseVisco#StevenVisco